Oct 23, 2012 Yoga Studio: Mind & Body welcomes a new collection in celebration of International Yoga Day - Yoga for Mental Health! In this new series each class is designed as a meditation. The more active and dynamic classes “Remove Blockages” and “Yoga for Stress and Anxiety” are sequenced as moving meditations. Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Draw Free! Yoga Studio: Mind & Body welcomes a new collection in celebration of International Yoga Day - Yoga for Mental Health! In this new series each class is designed as a meditation. The more active and dynamic classes “Remove Blockages” and “Yoga for Stress and Anxiety” are sequenced as moving meditations.
What Our Members Are Saying. . .

'Six months ago I walked into MAC Aquatics Center in desperation. I had stopped all physical fitness and healthy eating since my dad's stroke 2 years ago and as his health continued to decline, I balanced my care taking demands and full time job with food. . .continue reading as MAC Member Starr Washington shares her inspirational story!

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Our thanks and deep appreciation to all the Parisi Speed School coaches and extended family at MAC!! I can't wait to show this to Robert when he gets home from school. Liliana and I have been amazed at the positive changes we've seen in Robert. Besides growing like a weed, his grades have improved, he has more self confidence, and he's eating and sleeping better. We love MAC Parisi !!!!!
Craig Bissonett — at Parisi Speed School, Memorial Athletic Club, Houston, TX.
Yoga Studio App Store
I can't say enough about the MAC. The trainers/instructors make you feel like your #1. The MAC is a friendly family place where you can forget about your troubles and feel like a new person, so much so it makes you feel like coming back for more. I rate the MAC, a 5 Star gym. Proud member since 1991.
Isabel Garcia — at Memorial Athletic Club, Houston, TX.