Visual Studio For Mac Unity


  1. Visual Studio For Mac Unity Tools
  2. Visual Studio For Mac Unit Test
  3. Visual Studio For Mac
  4. Unity Visual Studio Setup
  5. Visual Studio

Visual Studio for Mac Tools for Unity is a free Visual Studio extension that turns Visual Studio for Mac into a powerful tool for developing cross-platform games and apps with the Unity platform.

Unity integration is included out of the box in Visual Studio for Mac, and starting from Unity 2018.1, Visual Studio for Mac is the default C# IDE for Unity projects.



Visual studio for Mac unity execution failed. Ask Question. Up vote 0 down vote favorite. I am running the latest version of Visual Studio and the latest version of unity. When I open the project using Visual Studio for Mac, I am able to rebuild the app. 以前、Visual Studio CodeをUnity用のテキストエディタとする方法を紹介しました。 MacのUnityでVisual Studio Codeと連携させる方法(1) - Cross Technology. Today, we are comparing Visual Studio and Monodevelop. We'll also look at Visual Studio Code and briefly compare it to Monodevelop for Mac & Linux, Enjoy Ace.

Visual Studio For Mac Unity Tools

This information is for Visual Studio for Mac IDE. For Visual Studio Code, see this guide for more information.


Visual Studio For Mac Unity

Here are some of the key features of Visual Studio for Mac Tools for Unity:

Compatible with Visual Studio for Mac Community Edition

Visual Studio for Mac Community Edition is available for free, and bundled with Unity installs starting with Unity 2018.1. See the Visual Studio for Mac Tools for Unity setup documentation for more information.

IntelliSense for Unity messages

Visual Studio For Mac Unit Test

IntelliSense makes it fast and easy to implement Unity messages like OnCollisionEnter, including their parameters.

Visual Studio For Mac

Superior debugging

Visual Studio for Mac Tools for Unity supports all the debugging features that you expect from Visual Studio:

  • Set breakpoints, including conditional breakpoints.
  • Evaluate complex expressions in the Watch window.
  • Inspect and modify the value of variables and arguments.
  • Drill down into complex objects and data structures.

Powerful refactoring and context actions

Write more usable code with quick menus and keyboard shortcuts for renaming, refactoring, and context actions.

Browse and add new files

Browse Unity projects and add folders, scripts, or shaders, all within the Visual Studio for Mac IDE.

Use familiar key bindings

Boost productivity by using the key bindings that you know. Visual Studio for Mac provides familiar key bindings for many popular IDEs, such as Visual Studio on Windows, ReSharper, Visual Studio Code, and Xcode.

Customize the Visual theme

Give your eyes a rest with the included dark theme.

Tips for Unity developers getting started with Visual Studio for Mac

Unity Visual Studio Setup

These links explain useful features for Unity developers just starting with Visual Studio for Mac:

Visual Studio

  • Customizing the IDE – Learn how to change the visual theme or switch to a more familiar key binding scheme.
  • Source Editor – Learn how Visual Studio for Mac can make writing better code faster and easier, including common keyboard shortcuts.