How can I get a Win32 console application option in the Microsoft visual studio community in 2017? Update Cancel. Ad by Jira Software, Atlassian. I cannot find the Win32 console application under the C++ list. What is the next best application like Microsoft Visual Studio for a Mac? Console App - Spreadsheet Calculations using Visual Studio Code for Mac / Linux / Windows Follow these steps to create a simple Console App with Visual Studio Code for Mac / Linux / Windows that utilizes SpreadsheetGear for.NET Standard to perform a basic formula calculation.
The .NET Core Framework was released yesterday from Microsoft. I installed it on my MacBook Pro and developed a small console application using Visual Studio Code. My main goal was to get a feel for using Visual Studio Code to create and debug simple console and web applications using C# on macOS for .NET Core.
6/29/2016 - For a step-by-step tutorial, read Visual Studio Code for Developing .NET Core C# Apps on macOS. I also wrote a step-by-step tutorial for getting started developing ASP.NET Core Web Applications.
First, one needs to install the C# Extension for Visual Studio Code to get C# support. I then created an empty directory using Visual Studio Code's Terminal window and typed 'dotnet new' and 'dotnet restore'. This created a sample Hello World console application that I used as the basis for my .NET Core app.
I opened Program.cs and wrote a quick C# console application that detected palindromes. To get debugging for .NET Core and C# in Visual Studio Code you need to create a launch.json file and point the configuration to the console program. The debugging experience is really good at first glance. I'm not expecting an experience as good as Visual Studio. As long as I can set breakpoints, watch variables, and step into and out of code I am pretty happy.
Once I had the .NET Core application debugged, I returned to the terminal window in Visual Studio Code and typed 'dotnet run'. This ran the console application and it worked as expected!
Creating the C# Console Application for .NET Core and running it on macOS was really easy. I am looking for forward to adding Entity Framework Core 1.0 as well as building an ASP.NET Core sample web application.
If you're interested in install .NET Core for macOS, go to
Visual Studio For Mac
Visual Studio For Mac Console Application
A console application is a computer program designed to be used via a text-only computer interface, such as a text terminal, the command line interface of some operating systems (Unix, DOS, etc.) or the text-based interface included with most Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating systems, such as the Win32 console in Microsoft Windows, the Terminal in Mac OS X, and xterm in Unix. A user typically interacts with a console application using only a keyboard and display screen, as opposed to GUI applications, which normally require the use of a mouse or other pointing device. Many console applications such as command line interpreters are command line tools, but numerous text-based user interface (TUI) programs also exist.

As the speed and ease-of-use of GUIs applications have improved over time, the use of console applications has greatly diminished, but not disappeared. Some users simply prefer console based applications, while some organizations still rely on existing console applications to handle key data processing tasks.
The ability to create console applications is kept as a feature of modern programming environments such as Visual Studio and the .NET Framework on Microsoft Windows because it greatly simplifies the learning process of a new programming language by removing the complexity of a graphical user interface (see an example in the C# article).
For data processing tasks and computer administration, these programming environments represent the next level of operating system or data processing control after scripting. If an application is only going to be run by the original programmer and/or a few colleagues, there may be no need for a pretty graphical user interface, leaving the application leaner, faster and easier to maintain.
Console-based applications include Alpine (an e-mail client), cmus (an audio player), Irssi (an IRC client), Lynx (a web browser), Midnight Commander (a file manager), Music on Console (an audio player), Mutt (an e-mail client), nano (a text editor), ne (a text editor), newsbeuter (an RSS reader), and ranger (a file manager).
Visual Studio For Mac