Visual Studio For Mac 2017 Debugger Not Working

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Looks like that the angular project integrated in microsoft's asp net core web application project in visual studio 2017 and dot net v.2+ is born with working breakpoints and debug option.

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commented Mar 18, 2017

When trying to debug a MVC Web project in VS 2017 Mac I get the error message: Unable to attach to CoreCLR.


Microsoft .NET Core Shared Framework Host
Version : 1.1.0

dotnet --info

.NET Command Line Tools (1.0.1)

Product Information:
Version: 1.0.1
Commit SHA-1 hash: 005db40cd1

Runtime Environment:
OS Name: Mac OS X
OS Version: 10.12
OS Platform: Darwin
RID: osx.10.12-x64
Base Path: /opt/dotnet/sdk/1.0.1

commented Mar 20, 2017

Got the same issue (also on Sierrs 10.12.4 beta)

added the area-Diagnostics label Mar 21, 2017

Fl studio for mac 2017

commented Mar 21, 2017

This will be fixed in the next 1.0 and 1.1 service releases and has been fixed in the master branch.

commented Mar 28, 2017

When will it be available ? Thanks

commented Mar 28, 2017

Sierra 10.12.4 is now being pushed as an update by Apple. I installed the update this morning and now I can no longer debug in VS Code ('Unable to attach to CoreCLR.'). I believe this is the same issue reported above. I installed the latest .NET Core SDK (dotnet --version now says 1.0.1). Is the fix available elsewhere, or any advice please?

commented Mar 28, 2017

Here is a work around that worked for Gregg Miskelly:

  1. Download
  2. Open the resulting file as a zip, and copy out runtimes/osx.10.10-x64/native/libdbgshim.dylib
  3. Open a terminal
  4. cd ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.csharp-1.8.0/.debugger
  5. cp .
    As I said above, but just to repeat here, I expect to have a real fix out soon. But hopefully this will unblock folks in the mean time.

commented Mar 28, 2017

Confirmed workaround works. Thanks for the info. When the real fix is released, will I need to 'reverse' the workaround, or will installing the new software get me back to consistency?

commented Mar 29, 2017

Is there a workaround for Visual Studio Mac ?

commented Mar 29, 2017

@gregg-miskelly Is there a workaround for VS for Mac?

commented Mar 29, 2017

I don't have precise steps, but you can work around this by downloading, and replacing the version of vsdbg that VS for Mac is using with that version.

@DavidKarlas do you have better instructions?

commented Mar 29, 2017

This fixed it for me, in Visual Studio for Mac:

  1. Download
  2. Open the resulting file as a zip, and copy out runtimes/osx.10.10-x64/native/libdbgshim.dylib
  3. Navigate to /Applications/Visual in Finder or Terminal
  4. Rename libdbgshim.dylib to libdbgshim.dylib.old
  5. Paste in the new libdbgshim.dylib

commented Mar 29, 2017

@suqram You just saved my day and night! Thx.

commented Mar 29, 2017

@suqram it worked well!


commented Mar 29, 2017

fix it for me!

commented Mar 30, 2017

@suqram Excellent!
Work for me!

commented Mar 30, 2017

Excellent, copying the libdbgshim file as instructed by @suqram did the trick.

commented Mar 31, 2017

@suqram Excellent!
Work for me!

commented Mar 31, 2017

Works for me too!


commented Mar 31, 2017

Open the resulting file as a zip, and copy out runtimes/osx.10.10-x64/native/libdbgshim.dylib

@mikem8361 what does this mean?

commented Mar 31, 2017

A nuget file is a zip file. Rename to .zip and run unzip on it.

commented Apr 1, 2017

@suqram Work for me as well - thank you.

commented Apr 1, 2017

@suqram Thanks so much! It works!

commented Apr 1, 2017

Is this issue fixed in production now, or is it still in workaround? I noticed a new C# Extension and installed it yesterday. Does that contain the fix?

commented Apr 3, 2017

@robbpriestley Sure seems like it. This is in the changelog for the extension in vs code:
What's New in 1.8.1
Fixes debugging on macOS Sierra 10.12.4.

(and it's working)

commented Apr 3, 2017

I did precisely what @suqram suggested, but now I get a popup when I try to run my application:

Debugger operation failed
Unknown Error: 0x92330062

I don't get the 'Unable to attach to CoreCLR' message in my Application Output window anymore, so that's fixed. (and to clarify: when I run 'dotnet' or 'dotnet --info' , my results are identical to those from @AAimson)

commented Apr 3, 2017

@joristt if you have the 1.8.1 extension installed and you are still running into an issue, your issue isn't related to this issue. Please open a new issue, this issue is long enough :).

commented Apr 3, 2017

I was working on aspnet core when this issue started, and with VS preview it used to start a new Browser with a new debug session. Am i looking for the wrong setting now?

commented Apr 3, 2017

@gregg-miskelly Yeah you're right, sorry :). You said

replace the version of vsdbg that VS for Mac is using

and I interpreted that as: replace only the vsdbg Unix executable. Tried copying everything from that zip to the VS Adapter directory 1 minute after commenting here and that fixed the problem.

commented Apr 3, 2017

@robvdveer by 'VS Preview' you mean 'VS For Mac Preview' correct? If so - VS For Mac hasn't shipped an update vsdbg package containing the fix yet (at least to my knowledge), so you are very likely at the right place. There are two work arounds posted above, but I will give you the latest version of it --

  • Download
  • Navigate to /Applications/Visual in Finder or Terminal
  • Extract the zip to this folder

commented Apr 3, 2017

Thanks @gregg-miskelly for such a quick response!

commented Apr 4, 2017

Visual Studio For Mac 2017

@gregg-miskelly well played. Thanks

commented Apr 5, 2017

@gregg-miskelly saved the day!!!!

commented Nov 23, 2017

@gregg-miskelly this will work on the visual studio preview the debug gives an execution error

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commented Sep 8, 2017

visual studio code using golang debugger does not match the gopath path code ?

I construct up golang environment using visual studio code IDE MAC OS, then install the necessary tools:

I ever set my go path /Users/friends/gopath , before long I changed my gopath /Users/friends/Document/share/gopath. I changed the gopath ~/.bash_profile ,visual studio code setting about

go.gopath': '/Users/friends/Documents/VirtualMachine/share/gopath

when I debug my code, it tips that can't find the file in/Users/friends/gopath/src/...../apiSGetChainsIds.go , actually the file exist in /Users/friends/Documents/VirtualMachine/share/gopath/src/..../apiSGetChainsIds.go .It is obvious that the debugger find the previous gopath ,is it the golang tools bug? or something I wrong?

my usersetting is

commented Sep 10, 2017

  • In the VS Code terminal, run echo $GOPATH. Is the output the same as your expected GOPATH?
  • The debugger cannot read VS Code settings. So you need to set the right GOPATH as an environment variable outside VS Code or you can pass the same in the debug configuration in the launch.json file
  • If you are using the latest version of the Go extension (0.6.65), then you don't have to pass the GOPATH via the launch.json either.

See Debugging-Go-code-using-VS-Code as well

commented Oct 8, 2017

This is happening to me as well -- I'm using Linux, so the bug has affected both MAC OS and Linux.

  • I'm using the latest version of the Go extension (0.6.66), and my VS Code is downloaded and installed just today.
  • My go version is go1.9.1 linux/amd64, and
  • My OS is
  • In the VS Code terminal, run echo $GOPATH, the output is the same as my expected GOPATH.

Only after adding the GOPATH as an env var in the env property in the launch.json file solved the problem.

commented Oct 9, 2017

@suntong The debugger should have figured out the right GOPATH based on the package being debugged. Can you try the below?

  • Does the value in the program property in the launch.json file fall under your expected GOPATH?
  • Remove the GOPATH from the env property in the debug config in the launch.json file
  • Add 'trace': 'verbose' to your debug config in the launch.json file
  • Start debugging
  • You will see verbose logging in the debug console. You should see a line 'Using GOPATH:' Does this GOPATH match what you expect?

commented Oct 9, 2017

Thanks for the reply, @ramya-rao-a,

The value in the program property in my launch.json file is:

I don't know how to check it, but all my own code are not under GOPATH, as I want to distinct my own code from those I get from go get.

Maybe that's the reason vscode-go is confused?

Hmmm..., actually, I thought about that, and has tried to move my code under GOPATH, but that won't work either. Maybe I only did a symlink, and that won't work.

Will try the trace: verbose next and post back...


After I added trace: verbose, and restarted debugging, I saw logging in the debug console

Which is where my own code actually is, not where I started VS Code (i.e., under GOPATH via symlink). And that is different than the GOPATH I set in the environment -- /path/to/repo/go-arch

I think vscode-go should honor the GOPATH set in the environment, instead of figuring it out on its own and overwrite the environment setting.

commented Oct 9, 2017

To summarize:

  • The debugger is using the GOPATH /path/to/repo/gitwork which is where your code really is
  • But you have opened VS Code for a folder under /path/to/repo/go-arch which you have sym linked to /path/to/repo/gitwork
  • If you set GOPATH in the env in launch.json to /path/to/repo/go-arch, then everything is fine
  • You have set GOPATH as a env variable (outside of VS Code) to /path/to/repo/go-arch

Is that right?

commented Oct 9, 2017

Yep, precisely!

commented Oct 9, 2017

Few more things...

  • What do you see when you run the command Go: Current Gopath?
  • Have you by any chance modified the settings go.gopath or go.inferGopath ?

commented Oct 9, 2017

'What do you see when you run the command Go: Current Gopath?'

Not sure I understand what you mean.

But I didn't touch go.gopath or go.inferGopath, just accepting what was pre-filled launch.json setting for me.

commented Oct 9, 2017

Press Ctrl+Shift+P, the command pallet will open. If on Mac then use Cmd+Shift+P
Type Go: Current Gopath, select it from the options

commented Oct 9, 2017

That output is correct,

Current GOPATH: /path/to/repo/go-arch

commented Oct 9, 2017

ok, is the reason for the debugger trying to infer the GOPATH.

I'll look at the history and try to recall why I do that even when GOPATH is set in the env.

@friends110110 Can you tell us if you use symlinks as well?

commented Oct 9, 2017

Just to make it clear that it fails regardless of the symlinks. I.e., whether I started VS Code from under
/path/to/repo/gitwork or /path/to/repo/go-arch, both cases failed.

commented Oct 9, 2017

When you start VS Code from under /path/to/repo/gitwork what does the Using GOPATH log show?

commented Oct 9, 2017


Current GOPATH: /path/to/repo/go-arch

Or, sorry, Using GOPATH log showed the same as before as well.

Using GOPATH: /path/to/repo/gitwork

commented Oct 9, 2017

No I meant the logs from the verbose logging when debugging

commented Oct 19, 2017

Typescript Debugging Visual Studio 2017

@suntong I have pushed in a fix which should help your case, can you give it a try?

You will have to

  • Download
  • Run code --install-extension Go-latest.vsix
  • Reload VS Code

commented Oct 19, 2017

OK, I'll try it out this weekend.

commented Oct 28, 2017

Sorry to response late, but my debugging is not working any more. I'll open another issue instead.

But adding 'trace': 'verbose' to my debug config in the launch.json file, and judging the output of Using GOPATH, it is using the correct path now. However the same fix has caused my debugging not working any more...

commented Nov 7, 2017

What's up about this? The tools are installed in /home/myself/go but I set my GOPATH to /home/myself/.go:

In vsc terminal:

But with the command:

This is a bug, because the documentation says:

Out of the box, the extension uses the value of the environment variable GOPATH.

I am running Debian testing.

commented Nov 7, 2017

@Boiethios give this a try,
#1307 (comment)
at least it solves the GOPATH problem.

And Ramya is waiting for more testers too. She's been very helpful. Let us know your outcome. please post to #1307 (comment) if you try.


commented Nov 7, 2017

Visual Studio For Mac 2017 Debugging Not Working

@ramya-rao-a I agree that this issue should not be considered as 'closed'.

commented Nov 8, 2017

Visual Studio Breakpoint Not Working

@Boiethios Can you share your settings? Have you set any of go.gopath, go.inferGopath, go.toolsGopath ? Please check both your user and workspace settings

Visual Studio Debugger Command Line

bot locked and limited conversation to collaborators Jan 23, 2018

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