Tex Studio For Mac

25 Jul 2016 tex

  1. Texstudio For Macbook Air

For a couple of years now, TeXstudio is my favorite IWE (Integrated Writing Environment) for LaTeX. Last year, I switched from Windows to OS X, but I didn’t take my LaTeX environment with me. TeXstudio is an integrated environment for writing LaTeX documents. Our goal is to make writing LaTeX as easy and comfortable as possible. Therefore TeXstudio has numerous features like syntax-highlighting, integrated viewer, reference checking and various assistants.

TeXstudio is a great integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents. TeXstudio needs local latex distribution in order to compile and preview documents.

Setting up on Linux

Pakcages are available in official Debian/Ubuntu repository. Use apt-get to download them. I have mentioned some extra packages which are necessary if you intend to use special latex commands and classes.

Setting up on macOS


TexStudio can easily be downloaded via brew. The app will be available at /Applications.

But you’ll still need latex tools. Most popular distribution for macOS is mactex, but it’s huge in size (approx. 2GB!) which causes a headache for Macbook Air users like me. So I suggest you download mactex-basictex package from their website and install it.

But wait! You’ll still experience problems when compiling. TeXstudio will throw nasty errors for some missing components, i.e. subfiles, appendix etc (if you use them explicitly of course). Don’t worry. mactex comes with texlive manager which can install extra components per your need.

First update TeXLive manager. Then install latex packages just like you do with apt-get.

Texstudio for mac

And you are done! Enjoy!

Texstudio For Macbook Air

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