- Studio One 4
- Studio One Version 4
- Studio One Version 4 Artist For Mac Crack
- Studio One free. download full Version
- Studio One 3 Artist
- Studio One 4 Artist Trial
Studio One 4 Professional and Studio One 4 Artist are available now for $399.95 and $99.95 respectively. PreSonus have also revealed that they will be launching a free version of the DAW — Studio One 4 Prime —will more details to be revealed soon.
Slide into Studio One
If you want to get in on the easy-to-use digital audio workstation you've heard on countless hits, PreSonus Studio One Artist is the way to go. For version 4.5, PreSonus has upped the ante yet again with hot new features that include redesigned grouping, powerful mixer channel customization, impressive MIDI enhancements, new export options, a streamlined plug-in manager, and more. Getting started is a snap. From there, it's easy to find ideal tempo-matched backing tracks, capture inspiring sounds and performances on physical or virtual instruments, mix with pro effects, and even share your music online with your friends and fans. Studio One 4.5 Artist keeps you inspired and, in the flow, — focused on your music, not the music-making process.
This is an opportunity for owners of Studio One Artist (any version) to upgrade to Studio One 4.5 Artist at a special price. Call your Sales Engineer at (800) 222-4700 for details.
What's new in Studio One 4.5 Artist
PreSonus Studio One 4.5 Artist is a worthy update. Groups can be nested, named, colored, and assigned to keyboard shortcuts. Expanded input, gain staging, phase options, and channel customization puts a lot of power under your fingertips, even if your hardware doesn’t support it. Global pre-fader metering has been added to the console, as well as an RMS/Peak metering option for all channels. New note editing options make working with MIDI more powerful than ever. Benefit from new export options, including variable-bitrate MP3, AAC, and ALAC. Keep your plug-ins and virtual instruments organized with a streamlined plug-in manager. What’s more, you can lock individual items in the Arrangement Window to prevent unintentional moving or editing. A worthy update indeed!
Making music is faster and easier
With version 4, PreSonus has taken Studio One Artist to the next level. Under the hood, you'll find cool virtual instruments, fast ways to find the right backing tracks, step sequencing for easily programming beats and other musical parts, an optimized mixing console, and interface tweaks that will make your work more productive and enjoyable. Many of the musicians at Sweetwater are hardcore Studio One users. PreSonus Studio One 4.5 Artist gives you an affordable way to find out what the fuss is all about.
PreSonus Studio One 4.5 Artist Features:
- Intuitive single-window work environment
- Drag-and-drop functionality and multi-touch support
- Unlimited audio and instrument tracks
- Advanced virtual instruments, automation features, bussing, and FX channels
- Pristine sound quality with native 64-bit resolution and support for up to 384kHz audio
- Groups can be nested, named, colored, and assigned to keyboard shortcuts
- Expanded input, gain staging, phase options, and channel customization
- New metering options, including global pre-fader metering on the console and RMS/Peak metering on all channels
- Expanded MIDI editing capabilities
- Support for variable-bitrate MP3, AAC, and ALAC
- Streamlined plug-in manager keeps your plug-ins and virtual instruments organized
- Lock individual items in the Arrangement Window to prevent unintentional moving or editing
- Patterns allows for intuitive composition via familiar drum machine/sequencer-style UI
- Next-generation Impact XT and Sample One XT virtual instruments
- Drum Editor
- Presence XT sample playback instrument
- Mai Tai polyphonic analog modeling synth with character morphing and modulation matrix
- Transient detection with editable markers, drag-and-drop groove extraction
- 31 native effects and 5 virtual instruments
- Integrated online Cloud Services including the PreSonus Shop, PreSonus Exchange, bi-directional SoundCloud integration
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Studio One 4
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- Item #:
- 1500000220458 POS #:114404056
Studio One Version 4
YUAtruetrue- Write a Review

There’s a very good reason why so many musicians have switched to Studio One fromolder, more rigid programs. Built on a modern foundation that’s not bogged down bylegacy code, Studio One Artist provides an efficient, creative companion from initialinspiration to final export. Its efficient, single-screen interface houses an unlimitednumber of t... Click To Read More About This Product
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Availability: After finalizing your order for this downloadable product you'll receive an activation key via email.This email will include a product link and directions for downloading.(Credit approval may take up to 24 hours.)
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There’s a very good reason why so many musicians have switched to Studio One fromolder, more rigid programs. Built on a modern foundation that’s not bogged down bylegacy code, Studio One Artist provides an efficient, creative companion from initialinspiration to final export. Its efficient, single-screen interface houses an unlimitednumber of tracks, intuitive editing tools, and advanced virtual instruments—you spendyour time creating music, not wondering what to click next. The 32-bit mix engine isstate of the art, while the smooth, analog, superior sound quality of the virtualinstruments comes from proprietary techniques that provide much higher controllerresolution.
The reason why Studio One resonates with musicians is simple: PreSonus listens. Aswith previous versions, many new features in Version 4 are the direct result of userfeedback. Add a comprehensive and easy-to-use feature set, full integration with Notionfor superb notation, carefully curated content, a comprehensive set of plug-ins,advanced step sequencing, unified hardware control with the FaderPort series of hands-oncontrollers, and much more—it’s no wonder that Studio One continues to gain newfollowers every day.
- Intuitive single-window work environment with quick and easy drag-and-drop functionality and multi-touch support
- Unlimited audio and instrument tracks, advanced automation features, virtual instruments, buses, and FX channels
- Pristine sound quality with native 32-bit floating point resolution and support for up to 384kHz audio
- Exceptional new virtual instruments: Impact XT and SampleOne XT for powerful beat or loop-based composition, live sampling, and robust sample editing
- Patterns allow for intuitive drum and melody composition via familiar drum machine/sequencer style UI
One year parts and labor warranty.

Studio One Version 4 Artist For Mac Crack
Studio One free. download full Version
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