Studio One Keyboard For Mac

  1. Studio One Keyboard
  2. Mouse For Mac

As a companion to our recently released user's manual 'The Unofficial Studio One 3 User's Manual,' we are proud to offer 'The Unofficial Studio One 3 Keyboard Shortcuts Guide.'


This guide contains all the pre-selected keyboard shortcuts that PreSonus provided us with as defaults. It also includes every function that Studio One 3 offers...with the ability to assign your own keyboard shortcuts to these functions.

We hope you enjoy this guide (and the User's Manual) and get lots from both.

The Studio One Expert Team

Studio One Keyboard

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before that I like anything that saves me time.Whether it’s a shortcut while driving to work, a step that I can shorten in a recipe while cooking, or a shortcut that can save me time in a project - I’ll use anything I can to save a few precious seconds of my day.

Mouse For Mac

The Presonus Studio One Backlit Keyboard is the ultimate way to speed up your editing and enhance your productivity, whilst making your studio look pretty damn cool too. The Presonus Studio One Backlit Keyboard features over 150 shortcuts for Presonus Studio One.

That’s why I love keyboard shortcuts in Studio One.Every DAW has keyboard shortcuts, but PreSonus seem like they thought about what would make the most “logical” sense when deciding what keyboard shortcuts would make the most sense in Studio One. To that end, here is a list of my “Top 10 Favorite Keyboard Shortcuts in Studio One.”

Oh, and I should mention that I’m trying to stick to one naming convention from now on in articles and tutorials, so here’s how it works:Any keyboard commands that use a modifier will be shown with the Mac version first, then the Windows version + the key to be modified like this:[Mac modifier key]/[Win modifier key]+[Key].


These are some of the keyboard shortcuts I find myself using most often. There are a ton of other great shortcuts that will also save you a lot of time (especially if you’re under deadlines). The fact that you can also define your own or import keyboard shortcuts from other DAW’s (if you’ve just switched over), makes these functions absolute lifesavers!

What are some of YOUR favorite key shortcuts? We’d love to hear from you!