I'm using Visual Studio Code for C/C++ development (and I'm very happy with it).
However, I'm working on huge C/C++ projects, which makes Intellisense work for a long time before getting all the files, symbols, etc.
- Visual Studio for Mac currently doesn't have Automatic Type Acquisition support, which is what would have made this work seamlessly for you. However you can do this with a few manual steps in the current release.
- Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows.
The problem is that the result of this long process seems to be non-persistent when I quit and come back to my project folder, Intellisense starts everything again, and this is not convenient to wait for 15 minutes before being able to go to a symbol definition.
Is it possible to force Intellisense parsed results to be persistent? Like allowing it to store metadata in .vscode directory of my project?
I think Intellisense stores everything in my home directory in a folder which must get cleaned periodically or when growing to a certain size (directory ~/.config/Code is 3 GB big so I guess it's there).
Alternatively can I increase the size limit of this folder?
Would using Node Version Manager (NVM) affect typings global install and Visual Studio Code's use of it? Any hints or suggestions to debug on how to get intellisense to work would be greatly appreciated.