After going to this website, click on MacOS X and then click on R-2.13.1.pkg to download R. After installing R, try running RStudio again and it should be working. After installing R, try running RStudio again and it should be working.
- R Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After Install Kodi
- R Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After Install Itunes
- R Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After Install Chrome
I'm trying to load the RSiena package into R, but keep getting this error message:
I tried installing three ways: install.packages('RSiena')
, install.packages('RSiena', repos='')
, and installing straight from tgz file (from
The first two installation methods do not give any error and say The downloaded binary packages are in /var/folders/mk/__r_sbzn5mx88x04mrlycsg00000gq/T//RtmpbxlMY8/downloaded_packages
.The third option gives this message Error in install.packages : type 'both' cannot be used with 'repos = NULL'
None allow me to load the package. I'm working with R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) in RStudio Version 1.1.423 on Mac OS X El Capitan (version 10.11.6).
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I'm not sure how else to troubleshoot this issue.
R Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After Install Kodi
1 Answer
SOLUTION. I installed XQuartz from and now the package loads successfully.
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R Studio For Mac Os Unable To Locate Binary After Install Itunes
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#' Install TensorFlow and its dependencies |
#' |
#' @inheritParams reticulate::conda_list |
#' |
#' @param method Installation method. By default, 'auto' automatically finds a |
#' method that will work in the local environment. Change the default to force |
#' a specific installation method. Note that the 'virtualenv' method is not |
#' available on Windows (as this isn't supported by TensorFlow). Note also |
#' that since this command runs without privilege the 'system' method is |
#' available only on Windows. |
#' |
#' @param version TensorFlow version to install. Specify 'default' to install |
#' the CPU version of the latest release. Specify 'gpu' to install the GPU |
#' version of the latest release. |
#' |
#' You can also provide a full major.minor.patch specification (e.g. '1.1.0'), |
#' appending '-gpu' if you want the GPU version (e.g. '1.1.0-gpu'). |
#' |
#' Alternatively, you can provide the full URL to an installer binary (e.g. |
#' for a nightly binary). |
#' |
#' @param envname Name of Python environment to install within |
#' |
#' @param extra_packages Additional Python packages to install along with |
#' TensorFlow. |
#' |
#' @param restart_session Restart R session after installing (note this will |
#' only occur within RStudio). |
#' |
#' @param conda_python_version the python version installed in the created conda |
#' environment. Python 3.6 is installed by default. |
#' |
#' @param ... other arguments passed to [reticulate::conda_install()] or |
#' [reticulate::virtualenv_install()]. |
#' |
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON |
#' |
#' @export |
install_tensorflow<-function(method= c('auto', 'virtualenv', 'conda'), |
conda='auto', |
version='default', |
envname=NULL, |
extra_packages=NULL, |
restart_session=TRUE, |
conda_python_version='3.6', |
...) { |
# verify 64-bit |
if (.Machine$sizeof.pointer!=8) { |
stop('Unable to install TensorFlow on this platform.', |
'Binary installation is only available for 64-bit platforms.') |
} |
method<- match.arg(method) |
# unroll version |
ver<- parse_tensorflow_version(version) |
version<-ver$version |
gpu<-ver$gpu |
package<-ver$package |
# Packages in this list should always be installed. |
default_packages<- c('tensorflow-hub') |
# Resolve TF probability version. |
if (! && substr(version, 1, 4) %in% c('1.12', '1.13', '1.14')) { |
default_packages<- c(default_packages, 'tensorflow-probability') |
# install tfp-nightly |
} elseif ( ||(substr(version, 1, 4) %in% c('2.0.') ||version'nightly')) { |
default_packages<- c(default_packages, 'tfp-nightly') |
} |
extra_packages<- unique(c(default_packages, extra_packages)) |
reticulate::py_install( |
packages= c(package, extra_packages), |
envname=envname, |
method=method, |
conda=conda, |
python_version=conda_python_version, |
pip=TRUE, |
... |
) |
cat('nInstallation complete.nn') |
if (restart_session&&rstudioapi::hasFun('restartSession')) |
rstudioapi::restartSession() |
invisible(NULL) |
} |
parse_tensorflow_version<-function(version) { |
default_version<-'1.14.0' |
ver<-list( |
version=default_version, |
gpu=FALSE, |
package=NULL |
) |
if (version'default') { |
ver$package<- paste0('tensorflow', ver$version) |
# default gpu version |
} elseif (version'gpu') { |
ver$gpu<-TRUE |
ver$package<- paste0('tensorflow-gpu', ver$version) |
# gpu qualifier provided |
} elseif (grepl('-gpu$', version)) { |
split<- strsplit(version, '-')[[1]] |
ver$version<-split[[1]] |
ver$gpu<-TRUE |
# full path to whl. |
} elseif (grepl('^.*.whl$', version)) { |
ver$gpu<-NA |
ver$version<-NA |
if (grepl('^http', version)) |
ver$package<-version |
else |
ver$package<- normalizePath(version) |
# another version |
} else { |
ver$version<-version |
} |
# find the right package for nightly and other versions |
if (is.null(ver$package)) { |
if (ver$version'nightly') { |
if (ver$gpu) { |
ver$package<-'tf-nightly-gpu' |
} else { |
ver$package<-'tf-nightly' |
} |
} else { |
if (ver$gpu) { |
ver$package<- paste0('tensorflow-gpu', ver$version) |
} else { |
ver$package<- paste0('tensorflow', ver$version) |
} |
} |
} |
ver |
} |
#' Install additional Python packages alongside TensorFlow |
#' |
#' This function is deprecated. Use the `extra_packages` argument to |
#' `install_tensorflow()` to install additional packages. |
#' |
#' @param packages Python packages to install |
#' @param conda Path to conda executable (or 'auto' to find conda using the PATH |
#' and other conventional install locations). Only used when TensorFlow is |
#' installed within a conda environment. |
#' |
#' @export |
install_tensorflow_extras<-function(packages, conda='auto') { |
message('Extra packages not installed (this function is deprecated). n', |
'Use the extra_packages argument to install_tensorflow() to ', |
'install additional packages.') |
} |
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