Default Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows And Mac Android Studio Pdf

Active9 months ago

Can anyone give me some suggestion or link of all controls of Android Studio keyboard shortcuts?

Android Studio 3.4 Canary 3 available 1 comment. The front page of the internet. Become a Redditor. And subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Keyboard shortcuts for Android Studio — a cheat sheet I recently made. Is Ctrl+Alt+Up for Mac or Windows? I can't seem to find it on the official list.

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8 Answers

Move to File ->Settings ->Keymap and change Keymaps settings to eclipse so that you can use the short cut keys like in eclipse.

8,8838 gold badges34 silver badges57 bronze badges

Preferences > Keymap will show you all the keyboard bindings.

A couple helpful hints to help you find features:

You can search actions by name; on MacOS the keybinding is Command+Shift+A. You can start typing the name of a command and it will show you all matching commands and their key bindings if they have one. That's really convenient for looking up the key shortcut for something if you have a hint of what it's called.

In most dialogs/windows there's a search box, and you can usually just start typing to start a search. It's especially good for preferences, where there are so many options that are hard to find.

Scott BartaScott Barta
72k23 gold badges162 silver badges151 bronze badges

I may be late to answer this, but would like to help all others who come up to this page from now.

Here is the list of all the most productive shortcuts that I have been using regularly in my day to day Android development. It saves a lot of time, seriously.

  • Find only classes - CMD + o
  • Find files - CMD + Shift+ o
  • Find everything - Double Shift
  • Find symbol - CMD + Alt+ o
  • Find in page - CMD + f
  • Find usages - fn + Alt+ f7
  • Generate boilerplate code - CMD + j
  • Quick fix - Alt + Enter
  • Code completion - Ctrl + Space
  • Definition of a class or method - Alt + Space
  • Navigate to a class or method - CMD + Left Click
  • Refactor rename - fn + Shift+ f6
  • Run app - Ctrl + R
  • Format code - Alt + CMD+ L
  • Show documentation - fn + f1
  • Mode code up/down - Shift + CMD+ up/down
  • Generate Code - CMD + N
  • Recently opened files - CMD + e
  • Recently edited files - CMD + Shift+ e
  • Delete lines at one go - CMD + Delete
  • Add single line comment - CMD + /
  • Add block comment - CMD + Alt+ /
Aritra RoyAritra Roy
18.4k5 gold badges64 silver badges106 bronze badges

On the Mac OS go to Android Studio ->Preferences ->Keymap


Android Studio Open File Shortcut

to assign a keyboard shortcut, you need to navigate to

file --> setting --> keymap --> search and than right click and add keyboard shortcut --> in first stroke

you can add/change like


you want to assign Cntl + w than use Cntl with w

Amit VaghelaAmit Vaghela
18.4k16 gold badges59 silver badges116 bronze badges

Go to Help and select Default Keymap Reference will point you to one of these default keyboard shortcuts for Android Studio. It has all the keyboard shortcuts you can do in Android Studio. It's says for it's IntelliJIDEA but Android Studio is based off IntelliJIDEA, so all the keyboard shortcuts listed there apply in Android Studio.

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Here is the official list of the shortcuts of Android Studio for Windows, Linux and Mac:


Android Studio Comment Shortcut

12.2k7 gold badges56 silver badges84 bronze badges

Android Studio Shortcut Keys

if you have a favourite plugin that doesn't have a shortcut, just navigate to

PS. be careful not to override any important AS shortcut.

Android Studio Debug Shortcuts

Peterstev UremgbaPeterstev Uremgba

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